Conference Proceedings
- A study on the β-factor in sediment-laden flow through open channels by Koeli Ghoshal and Manotosh Kumbhakar, Proceedings of International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO-2016, CWPRS Pune, India, 8th-10th December 2016, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2016, pp 789-793.
- A study on velocity and concentration distribution in an open channel flow by Koeli
Ghoshal and Debasish Pal, 58th congress of ISTAM, 18th-21st December 2013, Bengal
Engineering and Science University, Shibpur (presently Indian Institute of Engineering
Science and Technology, Shibpur).
- Velocity distribution in open channels: Combination of log-law and parabolic law by
Snehasis Kundu and Koeli Ghoshal, International Conference held in Paris, France during
August, 2012 organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 68,
2012, pp. 2151-2158.
- Effect of secondary currents on concentration distribution in open channel flows by Koeli Ghoshal and Snehasis Kundu, In: Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean Engineering, HYDRO-2012, IIT Mumbai, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2012, pp. 385-394.
Velocity distribution with dip phenomenon in sediment-laden flow by Snehasis Kundu
and Koeli Ghoshal, In: Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean
Engineering, HYDRO-2011, SUVNIT Surat, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2011, pp 787-794
Velocity and concentration distributions in a sediment-laden flow using modified mixing
length (with B. S. Mazumder), In: Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources
and Ocean Engineering, HYDRO-2005, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2005, pp. 617-
Turbulent statistics of flow over waveform structures (with B. S. Mazumder, D. K. Pal
and S. P. Ojha), In: Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean
Engineering, HYDRO-2004, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2004.
Turbulence characteristics over artificial waveforms and its implication on sediment
transport, (with B. S. Mazumder, D. K. Pal and S. P. Ojha), In: Proceedings of International
Conference on Hydraulic Engineering: Research and Practice, 2004, Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee, pp. 204-214.
Effect of bed roughness on suspended sediments (with B. S. Mazumder and D. C. Dalal),
In: Shallow Flows, (Jirka & Uijttewaal eds), Balkema Publishers Leiden, The Netherlands,
2004, pp. 503-509.
Measurements of turbulent flow over an artificial wave form in an open channel by 3-D
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, (with B. S. Mazumder, K. K. Mondal and D. K. Pal), In:
Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean Engineering, HYDRO-
2003, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2003, pp. 398-405.
Stratification effects in a sediment-laden turbulent flow, (with B. S. Mazumder), In:
Proceedings of Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Ocean Engineering, HYDRO-
2003, Indian Society for Hydraulics, 2003, pp. 161-165.