Professional recognition/ Awards/ fellowships received:

  1. Selected for the award (Venus International Women Awards VIWA 2017) of Distinguished Women in Science by Venus International Foundation, Chennai.

  2. Selected among Teachers Receiving Top Teaching Feedback Responses in the Academic session 2016-2017 at IIT, KGP for teaching Linear Algebra for 2nd year undergraduate students.

  3. Selected among Teachers Receiving Top Teaching Feedback Responses in the Academic session 2015-2016 at IIT, KGP for teaching Maths-II for 1st year undergraduate students.

  4. Selected among Teachers Receiving Top Teaching Feedback Responses in the Academic session 2014-2015 at IIT, KGP for teaching Maths-II for 1st year undergraduate students.

  5. Selected for the award of Young Scientist fellowship in the SERC FAST TRACK proposal of Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi.

  6. Received G. M. Nawathe award for best paper in the conference in HYDRO-2002, Indian Society for Hydraulics, Pune.

  7. Fellowship received from Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi as Research Fellow.

  8. National Scholarship holder

Students’ Awards/Recognition

  1. Dr. Debasish Pal received Prof. U. C. Kothyari Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2016 from the Indian Society for Hydraulics.

  2. Dr. Snehasis Kundu received Young Scientist Award in December 2016 from Venus International Foundation, Chennai.

Institute/Departmental Activities

  • Worked as Faculty Advisor for 5 year Integrated M.Sc. (Maths and Computing) for five years (from July 2007 to May 2012).

  • Worked as examiner in JAM-2007 and scrutinizer in JAM-2008

  • Worked as member of time table committee in the department for two years (from 1st July, 2009 to 30th July, 2011)

  • Worked as In-charge of Maths Colloquium for two years (2010-2012)

  • Worked as Assistant Warden (Mess) in RLB Hall for two years (from 1st October, 2011 to 31st October, 2013).

  • Working as Member of Research co-ordination group, Departmental Academic committee, Purchase committee, Computer committee etc.

Ph.D. Guidance (completed)

  • Dr. Snehasis Kundu (Single guidance) submitted his thesis in July, 2014 and his defense was held on 20th January, 2015.

  • Dr. Mukulika Brahma (Joint guidance) submitted on 6th July, 2015 and her defense was held on 9th February, 2016.

  • Dr. Debasish Pal (Single guidance) submitted on 9th October, 2015 and his defense was held on 29th March, 2016.

Ph.D. Guidance (ongoing)

  • Manotosh Kumbhakar (Single Guidance) is pursuing for Ph. D. (3rd year ongoing).

  • Mr. Punit Jain (Single guidance) is pursuing for Ph. D. (1st year ongoing).

Ongoing Project

Title: Theoretical investigation on turbulent features and concentration distribution in an open channel flow. (Sanctioned in October 2016, fund released on 12th January, 2017)

Sponsored Agency: SERB, DST.

Duration: 1st January, 2008 – 31st December, 2010

Principal Investigator: Dr. Koeli Ghoshal
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Jitendra Kumar
Advisor: Prof. Subhasis Dey (Dept. of Civil Engineering)
Total Grant: Rs. 20,71,080/-
Duration: Three years

Student working: Jitraj Saha (Thesis submitted)

Project undertaken as Principal Investigator

Title: Flow perturbation and sediment suspension over sandy bedforms: Theoretical and experimental studies.

Date of commencement:27.12.2016

Sponsored Agency: DST, MHRD


  1. Earth surface processes and Landforms (Publisher: Wiley)

  2. Sedimentary Geology (Publisher: Elsevier)

  3. Environmental Earth Sciences (Publisher: Springer)

  4. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (Publisher: RICST)

  5. International Journal of Sediment Research (Publisher: Elsevier)

  6. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (Publisher: ASCE)

  7. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Publisher: Taylor and Francis)